Our Purpose

Our purpose is to provide sustained value to the community at large. And we walk the talk every day.

The founder of the Texmo Group, R.Ramaswamy, was a rarity in more ways than one – a farmer’s son who studied electrical engineering in England in 1937 and returned to India in 1945, determined to give back to society. He achieved this purpose by harnessing his education, practicality, and an unwavering commitment to ethical business.

The chief motivation for creating Texmo was to help farmers by engineering and manufacturing high-quality, affordable, and dependable pumps. This continues to be the core value and purpose of our company.

Our purpose is not short-term gains but long-term sustainability, investment in people, and providing social value.

To achieve these aims, we continue to build a group of companies that strives to look after the people who are at the centre of our business – employees, customers, suppliers, and society.


“All employees are encouraged to do the right thing, and given the time to do so.”

Karthekeyan Sundararaj, Taro Pumps Employee